
Windy31 USB-Type Portable Wireless Gateway to Combine Wireless Lan card, Wireless AP and Wireless Router (Black) (Retail Packaged) Review

Windy31 USB-Type Portable Wireless Gateway to Combine Wireless Lan card, Wireless AP and Wireless Router (Black) (Retail Packaged)
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I like to get out of my office and work out on the counter with my own personal laptop. Our IT guys were miffed that I had installed a traditional wireless router to allow me to do this because, with only one NIC card, it put the desktop as well as the laptop behind a NAT address - and so IT couldn't "see" the company desktop. Now, instead, I use the Windy31. Since it just looks like one of those big, old, first generation, USB drives, no one knows it is a router, and the company desktop can be seen by IT (so they're happy). But, I can get a very good wireless connection through the Windy31 at 50ft. or so from my office. When I go home, I just unplug the big, old "USB drive". I very pleased with this product.

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